Big-Data Performance Tracker

Written by: by Maria
Read time: 2 min
Published: 17 February 2024
Last update:

In the field of affiliate marketing, staying ahead of the competition requires a sophisticated approach to performance tracking and analytics. 

UCLIQ’s Big-Data Performance Tracker provides a comprehensive solution to monitor, analyze, and optimize campaigns.

Customized Reporting

One of the standout features of UCLIQ’s performance tracker is an instrument to create and export customized reports. 

Whether you need insights based on specific dates, publishers, geographic locations, offers, smartlinks, or other parameters, this versatile tool ensures that you have the data you need at your fingertips. 

Filtering and Sorting Options

UCLIQ understands the importance of granularity in data analysis. This way, the performance tracker has strong tools for filtering and sorting data, so users can look closely at the details of their campaigns. 

Having this level of detail helps spot trends, understand how users behave, and make strategies better for the biggest effect.

Multiple Report Views

The platform goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach by providing multiple report views. 

Whether you’re interested in analyzing traffic patterns, key performance indicators (KPIs), financial details, or other aspects of your campaign, with UCLIQ’s performance tracker, you can adjust your reports to focus on the metrics that matter most to your unique objectives.

Comprehensive Data Storage

UCLIQ’s tracker stores all the data and information about the traffic that comes in. This storage ability is highly important since it helps in using smartlinks and stopping fraud. 

With access to lots of past data, marketers can make smart choices and adjust their strategies to fit what’s happening in the market.

Smartlinks are a powerful tool in the affiliate marketing arsenal, and UCLIQ’s performance tracker maximizes their potential. 

With the ability to store and analyze data, marketers can fine-tune their smartlink strategies for optimal performance. This feature ensures that every click counts, which leads to improved conversion rates and increased ROI.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Fraud poses a significant threat to marketing budgets and campaign effectiveness. UCLIQ’s tracker takes a proactive stance on fraud detection and prevention by using the stored data to identify irregular patterns and behaviors. 

This important feature keeps your campaigns safe, making sure your marketing reaches real people.

What can you get after embedding UCLIQ?

Not sure what to expect? Take advantage of our free demo and arrange a free consultation to let us guide you through features most valuable for your business. Our specialists can help you to find the right plan for you or build a custom offer to suit your needs.
Improved ROI
Enhanced quality of partnerships
Better market positioning
Seeing is believing. Book a consultation and start a free trial!
What you get