Brokerage Suite

Written by: by Maria
Read time: 4 min
Published: 18 February 2024
Last update:

At the heart of UCLIQ’s Affiliate Tracking Platform lies the Brokerage Suite, a tool made to manage and balance the intricate cash flow between advertisers and publishers. 

One of the standout features of this suite is its ability to facilitate customized payouts, ensuring a fair transactional experience for all parties involved.

The main idea of the brokerage technology lies in transforming a flow of conversion payouts from advertisers into a different flow of payouts to publishers, using several methods.

PayPerLead Mode: Monetizing Clicks with Precision

Within the Brokerage Suite, the PayPerLead mode emerges as a strategic tool allowing Customers to purchase incoming leads from publishers with a one-time payout. 

This mode empowers users to collect subsequent conversions from advertisers for their benefit, specifically tailored to a designated click event. It’s a powerful strategy that optimizes revenue generation while maintaining control over the entire conversion process.

Example: Let’s imagine we have an offer named ABC. An advertiser (let’s call him John) pays a publisher (named Sam) for conversions in the RevShare mode. The conversion implies a subscription to John’s service.

The ABC offer can be highly profitable, but to get 1 paying user (and conversion), Sam must send tons of leads. If Sam had little traffic and was paid for conversions, he could quickly become frustrated that the offer was not converting.

This way, switching offer ABC to the Pay Per Lead mode kills two birds with one stone.

To successfully do this, John determines the *EPC ratio for the offer and the amount of payment per lead that is profitable for him and attractive for Sam, let’s say – $ 5.

*EPC ratio = the total profit earned divided by the number of clicks the affiliate links had.

After that, John sets up this amount as a fixed fee and sets the Pay Per Lead mode for our offer. Sam sends 1000 clicks to ABC, which generates 10 leads, for which John pays $50 (10 x $5 = $50).

On top of that, Sam appeared to be a lucky man, and 2 out 10 leads became paying customers.

As a result, over the next 3 months, the network sends Sam an extra $100 for these 2 leads (the rest did not become paying) per RevShare type.

Thus, John paid Sam $50 for traffic immediately after receiving registrations. Then, Sam received an additional $100 from John in the form of RevShare within 3 months.

Without using this mode, Sam, having sent 1000 clicks to the offer without a single conversion, with a high probability, would give up and stop working with it. Luckily, this challenge ended up well for him.

Indeed, the PPL mode is a truly great option. Still, we have the second mode for your consideration.

Cumulative Mode: Tailoring Payouts for Optimal Results

The Cumulative mode offers Publishers the ability to create special payout rates for any offer or smartlink. This tailoring process extends to specific parameters such as locations, devices, traffic types, and individual publishers. 

The mode intelligently accumulates conversion payouts from advertisers, deducts commissions, and credits the balance to a specific publisher’s campaign. 

Once a predefined fixed payout threshold is reached, the system issues a payout. This innovative feature allows for the accumulation of minor conversions, enabling publishers to receive payouts in fixed, manageable chunks.

Example: Let’s take data from our previous example: ABC offer, publisher Sam, and advertiser John.

Sam has become a top publisher and brought a conversion for the ABC offer equal to $3. For each conversion, Sam gets a fixed-rate amount of $5.

As $5 is more than $3, the payout doesn’t take place this time. This $3 (minus the network’s commission, let’s say 20% – i.e., $0.6) goes to Sam’s balance, i.e., $2.4.

After that, Sam generates another conversion for $4 (minus 20% = $3.2).

This sum goes to the current balance of $2.4, which makes $5.6 in total.

$5.6 is enough to pay Sam his hard-earned $5.

The remnant of $0.6 goes to Sam’s balance and will be used for the following conversions.

Advantages of Cumulative Mode

The Cumulative mode not only offers convenience to publishers but also empowers UCLIQ’s customers to market their offerings effectively. 

By white-labeling third-party offers and setting different payout structures, users can create advantageous payout rates, enhancing their competitive edge in the affiliate marketing landscape.

Robust Budgeting Mechanism: Empowering Smart Financial Management

UCLIQ’s Brokerage Suite goes a step further by incorporating a robust budgeting mechanism. 

This feature enables users to subsidize publishers, limiting potential expenditure and risk while closely monitoring performance and return on investment (ROI). 

The result is a finely tuned affiliate marketing strategy that optimizes financial resources and maximizes revenue.

What can you get after embedding UCLIQ?

Not sure what to expect? Take advantage of our free demo and arrange a free consultation to let us guide you through features most valuable for your business. Our specialists can help you to find the right plan for you or build a custom offer to suit your needs.
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